National Partnerships

In Act 1:8, Jesus told his disciples that they would be his witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea/Samaria, and the end of the earth.  As we seek to fulfill his commandment, we think of Judea/Samaria as being Regional or National.  Most of the work that we’re doing nationally involves partnering with other churches and ministries.  Our primary partnership in this regard is the Southern Baptist Cooperative Program and the North American Mission Board (NAMB)- where thousands of Baptist churches cooperate together to begin new churches and provide disaster relief, among many other ministries.  One specific NAMB church plant with whom we partner is Grace Harbor Church in New Bedford, MA.  We also partner with the Pillar Network – a network of like-minded churches who work together to plant and revitalize healthy churches.

We exist to show who Jesus really is and to help everyone find their hope and delight in him.

© 2025 Poolesville Baptist Church