Book Review: How to Memorize Scripture for Life

For some people, memorizing scripture is easy and joy-filled.  For others, like me, it feels laborious and fraught with challenges.  At various times in my life, I have tried to memorize scripture with little to no fruit.  That is, until I began to apply the principles that Andrew Davis outlines in this little book.

In less than 60 pages, Davis discusses the command to memorize scripture, benefits, addresses objections and obstacles and lays out a clear and logical plan for scripture memory.

This simple methodology can be used to memorize individual verses, small sections, and entire books.

In Psalm 119:11, the psalmist notes that he has stored up or hidden God’s word in His heart in order to keep from sinning against God.  Having God’s word on our hearts and in the long-term recesses of our memories can be profound in helping us pursue holiness and be able to recall the truths of God’s word at just the right time.

Reading this little book will be worth your time.  Putting these principles in action will bear fruit in your life, for the glory of God!

We have a few copies in the Book Nook in the foyer.  You can also get it at various online retailers – including 10ofThose.

As you memorize God’s word, I’d love to hear of your progress and the benefits you’ve gleaned from hiding God’s word in your heart.

Your brother in Christ,




Categories: Book Review

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